Forms available for download. Please complete the request form at the bottom of the page

Estate Planning - Self-Assessment Tool

Download this form to identify estate planning needs. 

USERS: Individuals, Couples and Advisors

Estate Planning - Fact Finder

Complete this form to enable Rod Cunich to assist with your estate planning

USERS: Individuals, Couples and Advisors

Standard Buy-Sell Agreement Fact Finder

Complete this form to provide instructions for a funded buy-sell agreement for a single business where there are no associated businesses.

USERS: Advisors, Shareholders, Unit Holders and Directors

Complex Buy-Sell Agreement Fact Finder

Complete this form to provide instructions for a funded buy-sell agreement for a business where there are associated entities.

USERS: Advisors, Shareholders, Unit Holders and Directors

Shareholder Agreement Fact Finder 

Complete this form to enable Rod Cunich to assist to prepare a shareholder agreement, unitholder agreement or partnership agreement.

USERS: Advisors, Shareholders, Unit Holders and Directors

Please provide your details to download the forms below: